The Idea

Some of you might be familiar with the concept of a 365 project. The basic idea is to take a picture each day of whatever strikes you. The photographer does this at least once per day for one year – hence the name.

Photographers, amateur or otherwise, typically begin this kind of project in order to hone or keep their skills sharp. Commentary is usually welcome, and the results are often posted online in photography forums, blogs, and social networking sites.

My aim is to similar – but different.

I want to take 365 pictures over the next year based on what you, the reader suggest. That’s not an uncommon “twist” used to spin a 365 project a different  way, but I want to take it one step further, and that’s where the A to Z comes in.

Each two week (14 day) period will have a letter theme. I want you to send me any idea you can think of based on that 14-day period’s letter. For instance, if today is an A day, you might submit the phrase “Analgesics, but always achey.” If I choose your idea, I might try to creatively photograph something inspired by your sentence. Or, perhaps this week is an X week, and you simply send the word “xylophone! haha wut u gonna do wit dat, douche?!!1!!1!!!11” I would do something wit dat.

Keep them coming, and keep them creative. You will always get credit for the phrase unless you don’t want it. If I don’t get enough during each two-week period, I’ll have to go it alone. I need your help

One Response to “The Idea”

  1. s3ila September 29, 2010 at 11:56 pm #

    That is a cool idea of yours! I like it a lot >__< same goes for your photos..~

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