Tag Archives: help

Almost done with A! ‘Bout to start B!

9 Sep

Puddle Chair

Greetings, loyal readers; all three of you! Just kidding. Kind of.

Thank you for sticking with me thus far. Thank you also to those of you who sent me great prompts.

Although after today I’ll still have four more days of A left, I want to get a jump on planning for two weeks of B. That means at least 14 more suggestions that have to do with B. The picture at the top of the page is one I snapped with my point and shoot a couple of days ago – it’s blue. Get it? Anyway, I hope you all are more creative than me. In fact, I’ve staked this blog’s existence on that hope, because clearly I’m not.

You’ve been hilarious and creative so far, and you’ve given me some really cool ideas to shoot, and I appreciate it. Please send me more! I will be in your debt. Enjoy the rest of your week, and come back later for today’s picture: “Awful ‘angover” sent in by Chris Ritter.