Tag Archives: bubbles

Bubbles – Success!

16 Sep

AZ365-15: Bubbles Success! 1

AZ365-15: Bubbles Success! 2

These are two redos from the bubbles prompt. This time, instead of thinking so hard about lights, new techniques, blah blah blah… I just went out on a sunny lunch break, spent 3,000KRW on bubble stuff, and took some pictures in the park.

I enlisted the help of my female coworkers who really enjoyed the idea of playing with bubbles. All of them enjoyed themselves, but Elyse’s photos turned out the best. I went a little crazy with the processing, especially on the second shot.

For the first frame, I stuck with the always useful Tamron 17-50 f/2.8, and got right up in the bubble’s grill. Processing with some greenish-blue highlights and orangey shadows while reducing saturation and upping vibrance gave the frame a slightly aged look. I also cranked it wide open and let the bokeh from the sunlight through leaves heighten the bubble idea.

For the second frame, I was using the 85mm f/1.4D Cream Machine. The bokeh produced by this beast is incredible, so I felt creamy, cold tones were appropriate.

Bubbles Failure

15 Sep

Letter B, day 2/14, 16/365

I failed. I failed so hard, I wet myself.

Well, what happened was this: I had a tupperware full of water balanced on top of a tripod. When I began, I thought, “This will end in tears.”

I did not know it would end in a wet crotch.

The setup you see here is two lights gelled blue and red pointed at space previous occupied by a tupperware full of soapy water.

I had been taking pictures of reddish-blue bubbles I had blown with a hollowed-out pen, when I happened to look at the bottom of the tupperware. It looked really cool from down there, but I was running late. So, what did I do?

I slid really fast under the tripod.

I kicked the tripod.

The tupperware fell onto my crotch and across the floor.

Did I mention I was at home on my lunch break? So, yeah, I didn’t get a chance to take the picture again, and I’m no longer at home. Maybe I’ll try again.

But maybe I won’t.

Here’s a prettier picture for you that has nothing to do with this:
Pretty Park Thing